My Profile

Below is a sample of the information dotCMS is learning about you based on click history, search history, and browsing intent. dotCMS can use this information to create a better user experience and help create a better customer journey.

Default Persona

You have not been assigned a persona yet. dotCMS is still learning about you. Please check back after you browse more of your site.

Persona Weighting

Winter Enthusiast


Ocean Enthusiast


Eco Enthusiast



The device you are currenlty browsing on is a UNKNOWN and es-es is your selected language.


The brower you are currently using is BOT version .

New Visitor

Welcome to TravelLux we thank you for visiting and hope you come back often.

Tags / Weight


Your IP address says you are currenlty located in $geolocation.geoplugin_city, $geolocation.geoplugin_regionName in the $geolocation.geoplugin_countryCode.