My Profile

Below is a sample of the information dotCMS is learning about you based on click history, search history, and browsing intent. dotCMS can use this information to create a better user experience and help create a better customer journey.

Current Persona: Eco Enthusiast

People who are into Eco adventures.

Persona Weighting

Winter Enthusiast


Ocean Enthusiast


Eco Enthusiast



The device you are currenlty browsing on is a UNKNOWN and es-es is your selected language.


The brower you are currently using is BOT version .

New Visitor

Welcome to TravelLux we thank you for visiting and hope you come back often.

Tags / Weight

  • climbing 6
  • hiking 6
  • zip-lining 6


Your IP address says you are currenlty located in $geolocation.geoplugin_city, $geolocation.geoplugin_regionName in the $geolocation.geoplugin_countryCode.