The potential for development of tolerance and dependence and the risk of side effects of opioids make it necessary to monitor their prescribing patterns in order to decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with their continued use. The objectiv
Patrones de prescripción y costos de opioides en un grupo de pacientes de Colombia
Audifarma |
| Tiempo de lectura: Min
- Tema: Farmacoepidemiología
- Autores: Machado-Alba JE, Gaviria-Mendoza A, Vargas-Mosquera CA, Gil-Restrepo AF, Romero-Zapata LC
- Idiomas: Inglés
- Palabras clave: N/Topioid analgesics; drug prescriptions; inappropriate prescribing; chronic pain; pharmacoepidemiology
Machado-Alba JE, Gaviria-Mendoza A, Vargas-Mosquera CA, Gil-Restrepo AF, Romero-Zapata LC. Opioid Prescribing Patterns and Costs in a Large Group of Patients in Colombia. J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother. 2017 Mar;31(1):57-65. Enlace: