Introduction: Biological drugs open new possibilities to treat diseases for which drug therapy is limited, but they may be associated with adverse drug reactions (ADRs).
Objective: To identify the ADRs associated with the use of biological drugs i
Reacciones adversas a medicamentos asociadas con el uso de agentes biológicos.
Audifarma |
| Tiempo de lectura: Min
- Tema: Agentes biológicos
- Autores: Jorge Enrique Machado-Alba, Anyi Liliana Jime ́nez-Morales, Yulieth Carolina Moran-Yela, Ilsa Yadira Parrado-Fajardo, Luis Fernando Valladales-Restrepo
- Idiomas: Inglés
- Palabras clave: N/A
Machado-Alba JE, Jime ́nez-Morales AL, Moran-Yela YC, Parrado-Fajardo IY, Valladales- Restrepo LF (2020) Adverse drug reactions associated with the use of biological agents. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0240276. Enlace: