"Background: Helicobacter pylori infection can cause gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and gastric cancer. Its treatment involves different medications, but resistance to these treatments is increasing. It is currently considered a public hea
Treatment regimens used in the management of Helicobacter pylori in Colombia
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| Tiempo de lectura: Min
- Tema: infectología; Antimicrobianos
- Autores: Luis Fernando Valladales-Restrepo, Yessenia Correa-Sánchez, Brayan Stiven Aristizábal-Carmona, Jorge Enrique Machado-Alba
- Idiomas: Inglés
- Palabras clave: Helicobacter pylori Proton pump inhibitors Amoxicillin Clarithromycin Metronidazole Inappropriate prescribing
Luis Fernando Valladales-Restrepo, Yessenia Correa-Sánchez, Brayan Stiven Aristizábal-Carmona, Jorge Enrique Machado-Alba, Treatment regimens used in the management of Helicobacter pylori in Colombia, The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases (2022). h Enlace: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bjid.2022.102331